mercredi 4 janvier 2012

The Blue Bra Brigade La brigade du soutien-gorge bleu

Les femmes du mouvement Occupy Wall Street à New York ont réagi à la terrible photo montrant des flics égyptiens en train de massacrer une femme à laquelle ils ont arraché son voile, faisant apparaître son soutien-gorge bleu, le 17 décembre dernier. Elles appellent les femmes à envoyer un soutien-gorge bleu à leur député ou représentant local du gouvernement pour protester contre le soutien US à l'armée et à la police égyptienne dans la répression du mouvement révolutionnaire.

Blue Bra Brigade

Occupy Chat Actions is a group of online chat participants in support of the Occupy movement. We support Occupy locations in every city, state and country. Our main focus is to create a forum that would provide information that would enable your participation regardless of location or ability to attend direct actions in person.

Our current initiative, Blue Bra's Against Violence, is in response to violent action towards an Egyptian female activist in Tahrir Square. This woman was beaten and stripped down by the Egyptian Military revealing a blue bra. The US government currently provides financial aid to the Egyptian Military thus supporting such deplorable violence. We suggest the following direct actions:

• “Like” our Blue Bras Against Violence Facebook page here:

Blue Bras Against Violence

• Go Viral and share the Facebook page, and this Tumblr with family and friends

• Send a blue bra to local congressman, house leaders and other government officials with the message disagreeing with the United States Egyptian policy. A policy that is harmful to the Egyptian people.

* Join the Blue Bra Brigade by following this Tumblr and posting a picture here of you in your blue bra or the blue bra and message you are sending to our government officials.
  • A solidarity statement from the Women Occupying Wall Street to our Egyptian sisters
    We send our strongest support and solidarity to the thousands of women in Tahrir Square and across Egypt protesting the unacceptable violent assault of women protesters by the military. We are troubled, shocked, and outraged at images of a woman protester being beaten and stripped in the streets.
    Systematic targeting, marginalization, silencing, and violence against women by anyone, especially the military authorities entrusted to protect us, are unacceptable.These tactics are brutal, criminal and dishonorable. We share your anger.
    We recognize the brave women of Egypt and women around the world who risk their lives to protest unjust systems. Women are powerful and essential forces in revolutions. Your power and courage are incredibly inspiring to all women.
    We send solidarity and encouragement to you in this honorable fight to protect women’s rights. We join you in outrage and support your fight for peace and justice. We stand united with all women of Egypt.
    United, we will never be defeated.
  • Photo
  • Link Blue Bra Brigade Info Pack
  • Video
     10,000 Egytian women protest against the brutal attacks by Egypt’s security forces on protesters generally and on the woman known as “the blue bra” girl. The epic march, mobilised through Facebook and Twitter on 20 December 2011, brought together women of all ages, and across the social and class divide. They were united in the refusal to be intimidated and called for the military government to step down. 

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